This saying derives from a metonymic adage created by English author Edward Bulwer-Lytton in 1839. He was indicating that a pen is a more effective form of communication that to commit a horrendous act against someone over what could simply be a misunderstanding. Similar to Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton, I, too, am an author and in the process of writing a new book but this time it will not be middle grade but indeed a YA (Young Adult). I'm super stocked about this one, in particular. I've never written anything as long as I've been writing this book and I can't wait until it is published. A few years back, I decided to subscribe to the Writer's Digest (highly recommend) to get a better understanding of how to develop a storyline, concept and character development. It hasn't been easy for me as I am still an amateur and learning on the way. I have also watched YouTube videos, online forums and any other resourceful tools that could better prepare me for the task I am decided to take on. This time, I decided to really let my creative juices flow and in the words of the church folks, "Let the Lord use me". I came up with the idea for a new book back in April; however, it wasn't until August that I came up with the concept in which I am merging 3 genres (Sci-Fi, Suspense and Drama) into one tortilla. There was so much inspiration around that really helped me craft the idea and begin to build upon this story. I am quite nervous because I don't know how accepting it will be but if anything, I am going to be proud of the work and research that was put into completing this project. I anticipate on the book completion by the end of the year and I plan to query several literary agents but if they become unsuccessful than I will self publish via Amazon and do my own thing afterwards.
In the meantime, if you haven't had the time to read my first book which is a short middle grade book called, "Miko & Wormy: Journey to Discovery" it is available on Amazon: